Sunday, January 10, 2010

No Holiday Brag Sheets Please ...

Another Christmas and New Year has come and gone!  I did a quick first round clean-up last week, but I'm still wading through a few Christmas bags and bows.  And my Christmas tree is still standing in a corner stripped of its festive ornaments and gold angel top.  It's so cold outside that neither me or my husband have volunteered to drag the darn thing back to the shed.

So who knows how long it will remain in my great room! 

But I just can't discard all the beautiful Christmas cards folks take the time and expense to send our way.  I absolutely love receiving holiday photos of families ranging from newborns to college age. I keep those photo cards well after Christmas to peruse and enjoy. I also welcome a brief year-end update.   

Unfortunately, I don't feel the same way about some of the extensive newsletters slipped into the cards.

Let me clarify this.  I enjoy a good family update when it's informative and/or funny and/or thoughtfully done. I'm thrilled when friends travel and mention that special trip to Italy or Ireland or even Disneyworld.

I want to hear highlights about what the kids and adults are doing and any major accomplishments.  I also appreciate hearing updates when it relates to a family member's health or recovery from illness or landing a new job.  That is important stuff!

I am not the grinch.